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  • Row of instant  Prunus avium Kordia cherry trees at Barcham Trees nursery
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  • Prunus avium Kordia medium sized

Sweet Cherry. Dessert Cherry. Edible Cherry

Prunus avium Kordia

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About this product

Combine Prunus avium Kordia with Prunus Early Rivers, and you will lengthen the harvest period in your garden.

Juicy black fruits are produced by late summer and their tough skins make them durable enough to be left untouched by summer downpours. White flowers emerge in the spring to provide a good display that will encourage garden bees to feed.

This edible cherry will thrive on most free-draining soils but will need a top dressing of a multipurpose fertilizer in the spring to bolster the tree and keep fruiting size and taste at good quality.

As with most fruiting trees it is always a good idea to keep a metre radius around the stem of the tree clear of other plants to keep down competition.

Mature height: 3-7m


Common names
Sweet Cherry. Dessert Cherry. Edible Cherry
Height of tree
Soil type
Well drained, Will tolerate most soil types
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Good for bees
Looks good in