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  • 2.5-3.0m Snowbell trees on the Barcham Trees nursery
  • June Snow Flowers
  • June Snow Fruit
  • Carbon rating
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Japanese snowbell

Styrax japonicus June Snow

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About this product

Styrax japonicus June Snow, also known as Snowbell Tree, is a real showstopper in June when its mass of single white bell-shaped flowers smother the canopy.

Their sweet smelling fragrance is very strong on still days.

Thriving on most free draining but moisture retentive soils, this is a great tree for a small garden.

Its drooping oval fruits are another decorative feature.

We grow this tree as a branched bush with a main supporting trunk. Its green, glossy leaves turn to yellow in the autumn.

Developed in Holland in the mid 1990s, this superb tree has an ascending habit, so is ideal where space is at a premium.

Mature height: 5-7m


Common names
Japanese snowbell
Height of tree
Soil type
AcidicWell drained
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Good for bees
Looks good in