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  • The yellow berry like fruit of Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder
  • Instant Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder
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  • Row of medium-size Mountain Ash trees at Barcham Trees nursery
  • Large Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder 2022
  • Instant Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder 2022

Rowan Golden Wonder, Mountain Ash Golden Wonder

Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder

Tree size guide

About this product

Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder, also known as Mountain Ash, has large leaves composed of small leaflets, giving the tree an overall light and feathery type appearance.

In the spring, white flowers appear in clusters, followed by big bunches of bright golden yellow berries and lush orange/red autumn colours.

The yellow fruits are not attractive to wildlife and, as such, remain on the tree into the wintertime.

Sorbus aucuparia Golden Wonder is a medium-sized, vigorous-growing tree that is sometimes classified under the arnoldiana group. It forms a broadly pyramidal shape at maturity and requires very little maintenance. It is a tough tree that thrives on most soils and, like all Rowans, will tolerate acidic conditions.

This tree makes a super addition to any garden planting scheme and its berries add intriguing colour in the autumn.

If you live in an area prone to rabbits or deer, we recommend rabbit guards for these trees.

Mature height: 7-12m


Common names
Rowan Golden Wonder, Mountain Ash Golden Wonder
Height of tree
Soil type
Well drained, Will tolerate most soil types
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Good for bees
Looks good in
Garden, Parkland