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  • Medium Salix pentandra 2022

Bay Willow, Bay-leaved Willow, Laurel Willow

Salix pentandra

Tree size guide

About this product

Salix petandra is an interesting and often overlooked Willow tree that is native to Northern Europe and Asia and is found growing wild in northern areas of Britain.

The common names for this tree are derived from the deep green and very glossy leaves that give this tree a distinctly evergreen look. 

The catkins are produced with the foliage and are yellowy green in colour.

At maturity, Salix pentandra has rounded crown and reaches a medium height. 

Like all Willows, the Bay Willow will tolerate wet soils and a wide range of soil conditions.

This tree is an interesting and tough addition to any planting scheme and is worth considering for specimen planting in parkland and indeed for traditional, native tree planting in large gardens. 

The interesting foliage often catches people out, as it really does masquerade well as an evergreen tree, especially

if you are trying to make an identification from a branch or cutting!

Mature Height: 7-12m


Common names
Bay Willow, Bay-leaved Willow, Laurel Willow
Height of tree
Soil type
Wet, Will tolerate most soil types
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Looks good in
Garden, Parkland, Wetland