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  • Red Cascade flower in detail
  • Autumn leaf of Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade up close
  • A row of medium-sized Euonymous europaea Red Cascade trees on the Barcham Trees nursery
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Spindle 'Red Cascade', Red Caps

Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade

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About this product

Euonymous europaea Red Cascade, or ‘Red Caps’ as commonly known in America, is a small garden tree that won the Award of Garden Merit in 1949 and 2002.

This supertree has its best display from September onwards when it produces an abundance of rosy red-pink fruits that open up to show bright orange seed cases.

The contrast between these colours is quite remarkable, and when the foliage turns deep red in November, this effect is exaggerated further. In the spring, the leaves emerge bright green and remain bright green throughout the summer until they turn in the autumn.

Euonymous europaea Red Cascade is a tough clone selected by the University of Nebraska for the bright colour of the fruits it produces.

This small tree will perform well in most soil conditions and is a particularly good choice for chalky soils, but it is best to avoid planting it in waterlogged conditions.

This is a great choice where space is extremely limited and is one of the very best selections of Euonymous in a tree form.

It is useful in small gardens and offers a wealth of interest during autumn.

Mature height: 3-5m


Common names
Spindle 'Red Cascade', Red Caps
Height of tree
Soil type
Well drained, Will tolerate most soil types
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Looks good in
Autumn Colour