Photo gallery

  • Cornus kousa China Girl multistem bush on the Barcham Trees nursery
  • Cornus kousa China Girl flower-like bracts
  • Cornus kousa China Girl fruit
  • Row of small-size Chinese Dogwood trees at Barcham Trees nursery
  • Carbon rating
  • Carbon rating

Dogwood China Girl, Chinese Dogwood

Cornus kousa China Girl

Tree size guide

About this product

Cornus kousa China Girl is an attractive, early flowering form of Dogwood introduced from Holland in the late 1970s.

The foliage of this small garden tree is dark green in summer and turns to reds and oranges in winter. In the summer, the leaves often take on a slightly curled appearance, which is completely normal for this species. 

The Chinese Dogwoods are renowned for their beautiful and abundant bract-like flowers, which are produced in early spring. These flowers are followed by bright red strawberry-like fruits, which continue to add interest to this specimen throughout the summer months and into autumn.

Cornus kousa China Girl is supplied from Barcham as a maturing, bushy shrub, which makes the most of the available branches for profuse flowering. 

Generally, Cornus kousa varieties prefer well-drained soil and do not thrive on alkaline soils. They simply linger in soil with a pH of more than 7, sadly, so they should be avoided in these cases.

Chinese Dogwoods make very good garden trees. They are slow-growing, small, produce a spectacular floral display, and are relatively low-maintenance. 

Sadly, they do come with a word of caution in that they are not alkaline-loving. Thus, whilst you should not be deterred by this, simply ensure you check the pH of your soil before planting if you do not know what it is.

Mature height: 3-7m 


Common names
Dogwood China Girl, Chinese Dogwood
Height of tree
Soil type
Well drained, Acidic
Blossom Colour
Foliage Colour
Looks good in
Autumn, Spring
Autumn Colour