Photo gallery

  • Betula ermanii foliage
  • Betula ermanii catkins in detail
  • Medium-sized Betula ermanii trees on the Barcham Trees nursery
  • Betula ermanii mature
  • Betula ermanii Holland - Medium size
  • Carbon rating
  • Carbon rating

Erman's Birch

Betula ermanii

Tree size guide

About this product

Like all Birch trees, Betula ermanii, also known as Erman's Birch, is notable for its attractive bark, which is peeling and creamy in colour, tinged with pink. The bright green, heart-shaped leaves are always the first to emerge in the spring at Barcham and are the first to fall in the autumn, turning a bright and clear yellow before they fall.

If the central leader is retained, this tree retains a tidy, conical, pyramidal shape as it matures. It is a super urban tree as it requires very little maintenance and tolerates reflective heat and light.

Betula ermanii is an elegant and vigorous medium- to large-sized tree. Like most Birch trees, it is a consistent performer and will tolerate most soil types.

The Dutch clone Betula ermanii Holland is more regular in shape and tends to be favoured over the species, but it is often listed without the cultivar name.

Betula ermanii is useful for any project that requires winter interest or architectural uniformity. It can be effectively planted as a single specimen or in groups to show off the pretty coloured stem.

Mature height: 7-12m


Common names
Erman's Birch
Height of tree
Soil type
Well drained, Will tolerate most soil types
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Bark interest, Urban
Looks good in
Autumn, Winter