Alex G's top 3 trees
Alex started with our nursery team in 2012, and moved into the sales team from early 2014. Completing his sales apprenticeship in 2021, Alex has detailed and comprehensive knowledge of trees. Keep reading to find out what Alex's favourite trees are!

Crataegus x prunifolia Splendens
Crataegus x prunifolia `Splendens’ is a superb garden tree that gives you that allusive, all- year round interest. For
me, it starts with the early white summer flower, against its broad, dark green and ovate glossy leaf.
Then, once the colder months hit, this is when this tree comes into its own. Reds, yellows and rusty oranges, and even purples can be seen amongst the foliage. As a bonus, this is all backed up by the big, red and plump berries that remain right through the winter months, giving you that extra winter feature!
Find out more here.
Alnus incana Aurea
When you have a desire for autumn colour, then this tree should not be overlooked. can always rely on this tree to be the first when opening the door to autumn, with its vivid yellow to golden crown.

What really pulls me towards this Alder is its stunning, and very eye-catching pink catkins – which can appear as early as August! So, if you can imagine in your mind’s eye the golden leaf, together with the pink catkins, against a dark heavy mid-October sky, then I’m sure you would agree, this small Alder could easily turn into one of your favourite autumn trees!
Find out more here.

Malus Rudolph
This is my favorite crab apple, and for good reason. Spring is where it begins, with its two-tone green and red foliage appearing, readying the stage for trees’ main event - the flower! Seeing them in their rows on the nursery really is a sight!
This punchy little tree is more than capable of catching your eye, even when planted on its own! Also, this surprising tree presents an attractive, ruby-like trunk that continues with the Rudolph theme.
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