Rhus typhina multi-stems on the Barcham Trees nursery
Rhus typhina multi-stems on the Barcham Trees nursery
Medium-sized Staghorn Sumac trees
Carbon Rating
Carbon Rating

Rhus typhina

Staghorn Sumac, Stag’s Horn Sumach

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Product details

Rhus typhina, commonly known as Staghorn Sumac, is a fascinating flowering shrub native to North America that can be cultivated as a small shrub or trained into a small tree.

This plant earned the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit in 2002 and was introduced to the UK in the late 1620s.

Staghorn Sumac is a well-recognized shrub in the UK, featuring bright green compound leaves with 9 to 31 leaflets, arranged on stems covered in rust-coloured hairs.

Its branching pattern resembles antlers, hence its derived common name. In late spring, candle-like yellowish-green flowers emerge.

During the summer, velvety fruit clusters develop, ripening to a red colour by autumn, often persisting on the tree throughout winter.

In autumn, the foliage transitions from bright green to a vibrant array of colours, ranging from vivid red to orange and yellow, giving Rhus typhina an architectural and visually appealing shape.

While the national champion in the United States can grow over 20m tall, in the UK, it typically reaches a height of around 5m.

Rhus is resilient and can tolerate various soil conditions, provided they are well-drained.

Staghorn Sumac is a fantastic addition to gardens and parks. Though it should be planted with caution due to its tendency to sucker, it can be managed to a limited size in confined spaces, offering year-round interest.

Mature Height: 3-7m

Tree Specifications

Common names
Staghorn Sumac, Stag’s Horn Sumach
Height of tree
Foliage Colour
Information Flags
Looks good in
Autumn Colour