Chelsea Flower show 2017

We have moved position this year and now have the opportunity to feature a lot more trees on our stand.

The Chelsea Flower Show is a very vibrant event with thousands of people cramming the isle-ways to see the trade exhibits or show gardens. Our trees are everywhere! On trade stands, in Show Gardens, even down public walkways within benches to cast shade. If you come to Chelsea this year you won’t be too far away from a Barcham tree! Tonight is the gala evening where a lucky few get to view the show by invitation after the Royal viewing has finished. It’s been sweltering down here so the dip in temperature is very welcome. This year we are selling our third edition of our hardback reference book ‘Time for trees’ and offering advice on anything arboricultural for people who visit us on our stand.

If you are on your way down for this event we look forward to meeting with you over the coming week! Stand 81



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Bulk discount when you buy any mix of 10 trees or more